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Airboaters on Ice


"Ice on the river" here means that you have enough in the cooler to keep your beer cold. I have been airboating here in the Deep South in the winter, and it can be really, really COLD - and we don't have snow or ice.

It has come to my attention that some people actually airboat on ice and snow for the fun of it. I have heard that airboats are very useful in Alaska, and were instrumental in building the Alaska pipeline, but I just don't think I could handle it. I'm getting frostbite just thinking about it!

A reader took a ride this past winter and sent me these photos. I'm sure this could be fun, but I see that much cold white stuff and all I want to find is a fireplace and a hot drink.



Photos by Mike Alexander
Lacrosse, Wisconsin

Airboating on ice

Airboating on ice

Airboating on ice

Airboating on ice

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