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A Certified Airboater, continued (<<< back)

Sammie and I shouted encouragement from the second boat as the men got the sunk airboat out of the water. (There is some advantage to being a weak little female! )

The men pushed and pulled the boat out of the middle of the trail and onto some higher ground where they were able to bail it out and check it over.

Since the driver had been so quick to shut down, the engine did not take on any water and the prop was not damaged at all. With a little testing and tinkering the guys were able to start the boat up and go find an island where we could build another fire so they could dry out.

Ready to Go Again!

Tom reminded me that I had said "You aren't an official Airboater until you've hit the water" and demanded a certificate. He claimed he was "official" and he had witnesses! We all agreed that he had been a real good sport about the whole thing, and was deserving of the honor. It is rare that so many of our scary stories come true all in one ride!

I made him a certificate with a painting commemorating the event:

Airboater Certificate

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