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Storm Preparation - Pets

Most of us consider our pets part of our family, so we don't want to forget to take care of them at this time. Many people have refused to evacuate because they won't leave their pets, so there is now a greater effort being made to provide shelters for animals. (You will still have to go to a separate people shelter.)

As with your family preparations, have a plan and start early.

cat hiding in bottom of closet
George hid in the back of the closet during part of the 2004 storms. Smart cat!

Medication - If your pet requires medication make sure you have a sufficient supply on hand.

Food and Water - Stock up on dry or canned food that they are familiar with - this will minimize their stress. Don't forget plenty of water.

Comfort Toy - If your pet has a favorite toy keep it near them. If they grow anxious they have that to chew on.

Leash & Collar - In case you have to evacuate before or after the storm, have leashes, collars and tags (ID and/or rabies) handy.

Photo - Have a recent photo of your pet in case you should get separated. It is much easier to identify a pet from a photo than from a description.

Shelter - If you are evacuating, make arrangements for your pet at a kennel, veterinarians, or the local animal shelter. DO NOT LEAVE THE DOG TIED UP IN THE YARD!!! This sounds like a no-brainer, but surprisingly enough there are people out there with absolutely no brains.

There were too many pictures after hurricanes Rita and Katrina of dogs who killed themselves trying to escape being tied up or locked in when their owners evacuated. Don't let that be your dog.

dog looking out at storm
Dulcy did not like the looks of things for bathroom breaks during hurricane Frances.

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